Wyedean Stages Rally
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
Saturday 16th November 2024
organised by the Forest of Dean Motor Club

in association with our stage sponsors
Calico Interiors, ME Damsell, TL Freeman & Co, R J Matthews Haulage, CDS Taxi's,
Knights Accountants, Hartbury Farms, Mike Etheridge Construction, Maddock Plant Hire & Sales, Monster Mix, Able Plastics, Lydney Kitchen & Bathrooms, Steve Harkness Competition Tyres, Pirrelli M'sport Tyres, Speedline M'sport Corse Wheels, SWM Builders Merchants Lydney, Thomas Panels & Profiles, Supreme Summerhouses & Sheds, SMF Engineering Ltd, DM Edmunds & Son Haulage, ModCon Cabins, N J Auto Repair Services, TPS Gates & Doors & Bowens Garage

Please carefully read the information below - the stage you are on will be cancelled if spectators do not conform to safety guidelines

A spectator information sub page will appear here in the weeks leading up to the event.
We will not be able to correspond to individual requests through email or social media - sorry.

Spectators are reminded that motorsport can be dangerous and, despite the organisers of the Wyedean Stages Rally taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. In respect of these, you are present at your own risk.
Please listen to the marshals and event officials – if they ask you to move or inform you that you are standing in an unsafe place, follow the instructions that they give. They are there for your safety and want to ensure that we run the safest rally possible. If it is deemed that anyone is in an unsafe place, and they refuse to follow the marshal’s instructions the stage will be classed as being unsafe and as a result will be cancelled. Obviously, we do not want this to happen, so we would greatly appreciate it if you would listen to and follow any instructions given by our marshals.
Please listen to what is said in the MSA Rally Future video
The Wyedean Rally is predominately a Non Spectator Event, the Forest of Dean Motor Club appreciate that people still come along to watch. Please think about your safety and your needs for the day.
Rally cars can do the unexpected, so expect the unexpected.
Remember rally cars may:
run wide on corners
cut corners
throw up stones
overshoot junctions
may leave the road & crash, many yards off the track.
For your own safety and the safety of others:
Listen to the marshals and follow their instructions. They are there to help you and ensure the rally runs within the safety guidelines prescribed by Motorsport UK
Be aware that marshals and officials have the right to work without being abused or threatened (remember they are all unpaid volunteers)
Arrive in plenty of time.
Make sure you have a drink and food if you intend to stay all day.
There will be limited toilets and no disabled facilities, the event is 90% a 'non spectator event'. The Forest of Dean Motor Club do not benefit from any charity car parking charges.
Watch from a safe location, preferably on high ground and behind a treeline - No litter & No Fires.
Stand well back from the track - avoid outside of corners.
Do not move around once the safety convoy has been through.
Observe and obey all event signage. Prohibited Area means - Don't Stand Here.
Do not walk on the stage - it could still be live with safety cars or recovery vehicles.
Rally cars are loud, children will need ear protection, bringing dogs is unwise.
Safe standing ground could be high up a bank and inaccessible to some people including small children, pushchairs or the elderly - this is probably not the day for you.
If spectators will not move from unsafe areas the stage will be stopped and possibly cancelled.
If there is a hold up, be alert - this could be 5 minutes, hours or even a stage cancellation. Without notification, there is no public address system.
Park your car in such a position that it does not block any roads – remember emergency vehicles might have to leave or access the stage by that road. Do not park on verges.
Please follow the Countryside Code at all times and respect other people’s property and take all litter home with you.
Don't risk your safety trying to take action photos as you may not see danger approaching you through a small lens. Professionals will take photos and you will be able to view these online after the event.
You could very well be the first on the scene of an accident on a stage, do you know what to do? Some basic actions by you, until professional help arrives, could save a life. Another video aimed at competitors provides advice on what to do when you are First on Scene.
Do Not Stand - In Prohibited Area's

Do Not Stand - In Box Junctions or behind Red & White Tape

Only Stand behind Black & Yellow Tape - Spectator Area's
or behind a big tree line, up a bank - think safe.
If the Spectator Safety Car stops and asks you to move it's for a good reason

Have fun be safe
Please do not bring drones to the rally as their use is expressly prohibited over or near any part of the event, the stages or service area. Marshals will be empowered to ground any drone that attempts to fly during the event and if required the stage itself will be stopped.
Selfie Sticks and Action Cameras
Use of selfie sticks and action cameras (Go Pros) is not forbidden however spectators are reminded to use these in a sensible manner without putting themselves and others at risk. DO NOT lie down to take photo's, you can't react to an out of control car in this position.
Action cameras should not be placed on the rally route where they are likely to get hit by cars.
Use of Motorbikes and Quad Bikes
Motor, trail, quad and mountain bikes are not permitted on the rally stages or in the spectator areas. Please have consideration for the safety of yourself and others and do not attempt to access the rally on these bikes.
Please do not bring your dogs to the event as they can be startled by the loud noises and cause a danger to themselves and others – disabled-assistance dogs only are permitted (on leads at all times).
Drugs & Alcohol
Any anti-social behaviour will be reported over the event radio system to the local Police who will be able to attend.
Avoid the Event
See the spectator information about avoiding the event, there will also be restrictions to the usual forest events such as cycling, running, segways, dog walking etc.